Animal Liability Insurance
August 5, 2019

Animal Liability Insurance







Your dog is more than just a pet, it’s a family member. This can make it difficult to view your dog as a potential liability. Unfortunately, even the most cared for, loved, and well-trained pets can cause an accident. Something as harmless as a playful nip or digging on your neighbor’s property can result in a messy, time-consuming, and potentially devastating lawsuit.


Dog-related damage is the leading cause of homeowner’s insurance claims. That’s why animal liability coverage is an essential part of being a responsible pet owner. Most insurance companies limit dog bite insurance coverage, restrict certain breeds from coverage, or exclude animal liability coverage altogether.




Q, Did you know many states consider any pet with a dog bite history of any kind as “Dangerous”? Owners of such pets are required by certain states and regions to carry proper animal liability coverage.


A. Bully Breeds, Pit Bulls, Rottweilers, Doberman Pinschers, German Shepherds and Akitas. (All Insurance providers cover different breeds, be sure double check your policy and agent) 



Q. Does your homeowners insurance coverage address all of your needs when it comes to your pets?


A. Many traditional insurance policies restrict certain breeds from coverage or exclude animal liability coverage altogether. Because insurance policies are becoming more exclusionary, it is likely that your current homeowners insurance policy will not cover you if your pet causes an incident. 





1. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs each year and about 885,000 require medical attention for these injuires; about half of these are children, senior citizens are the second most common dog bite victims. 

2. The 2014 average cost per claim was up 15 percent. The average cost paid out for dog bite claims nationwide was $32,072 in 2014, compared with $27,862 in 2013. The average cost per claim nationally has risen more then 67 percent from 2003 to 2014 

    *** Stats from Insurance Information Institute(I.I.I) and State Farm ******

3. Dog bites (and other dog-related injuries) accounted for more then one-third of all homeowners insurance liability claim dollars paid out in 2015 costing in excess of $570 million. 

****** Information Provided by XINSURANCE **********



Tags: #DogBites, #Dogs#Insurance#PetInsVA, #PetInsurnace

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